Why Should You Be Happy? – blog 12/12/24
We have so much to be thankful for that it’s a tragedy when we aren’t happy always (aka, filled with joy). Simply remembering all that the Lord has done for you, like sending His only begotten Son (John 3:16) to die for your sins, is always the best reset button. If we allow the gravity of His work on the Cross to hit home in our hearts, I’d argue it’s impossible to remain in a funk. The Gospel is everything to us, as it was to the Apostle Paul.
The greater the sacrifice, the greater the love!
Why Should You Be Happy? – blog 12/12/24
The Bible reminds us over and over again of the Gospel truth, right? And our Bible is always available to us, right? So, do the math. If this is the case, then our own happiness is always at our fingertips, isn’t it? You bet! So, should you be happy? Well, according to Holy Scripture, the answer is an emphatic “yes”!
We must read our Bibles DAILY if we want a REAL relationship with our God.
Our dear Heavenly Father WANTS TO BLESS US, most especially with SOUL PROSPERITY. (i.e.- Love, joy & peace!) Gratitude towards God brings about this type of soul prosperity.
Simply find your joy IN HIM, your Creator and Savior.