Lk 11:17b
..." Any kingdom divided against itself is laid waste; and a house divided against itself falls."

A Change of Perspective
We often need to step back, take a deep breath, see the big-picture, and receive a change of perspective from the Spirit.

"Remember (Don't Forget) the Grace the Lord Your God Has Shown You".

Why Should We Remember?
The more we remember, the more we love. The more we love, the greater we become like God. "We love, because He first loved us" (1Jn 4:19). The one who is forgiven much ("Remember (Don't Forget!)), loves much! (Lk 7:39-47)

Why Should We Remember?
• We are saved daily - let us not forget the "big save" or any of the "little ones".
• Avoid the trap of forgetting the kindness and mercy of God.
• Perspective is everything!

Multitasking isn't what you think. You're really just switching back and forth between tasks really quickly, according to Guy Winch, Ph.D, author of Emotional First Aid.

No Such Thing As "Multitasking"
It's impossible to multitask effectively. In fact, there's really no such thing. The human brain is a lot like a computer in this sense. A computer chip, though it appears to be doing several things simultaneously, really isn't (it's doing things serially, just really fast).

"Forgetting God" Is An Omission Issue
Omissions (something's absent) are often much harder to realize than commissions (something's present). The only way to discern omission is through diligent self-examination and survey. (ref: Jas 1:23-24)

The absence of something where something should be. Do you have any vacuums in your life because you've forgotten about the Word, about Jesus Christ, your "first love" (Rev 2:4-5)? What fills these vacuums? - be honest.

Remembrance Induces Repentance
Remembering our salvation (in every sense, ever day) is integral to our daily repentance. The Spirit's ministry is to "bring to your remembrance" the words of our Lord (Jn 14:26). Light exposes the "deeds of darkness" (Eph 5:11), inciting our distaste for sin, hence our motivation to repent from it.

"Forgetting God" Is An Omission Issue
When's the last time you said "grace" at the dinner table and TRULY meant it, where you TRULY were reflecting on the sustenance set before you, by grace? (ref: Deu 8:10)

"Forgetting God" Is An Omission Issue
Have you forgotten to train up your children to be grateful? For example, this Christmas, will your children be more grateful for Jesus or the presents they receive??? (ref: Deu 4:9)

Josh 24:15b
...but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD."

"Forgetting God" Is An Omission Issue
Have you forgotten to train up your children to be grateful? For example, this Christmas, will your children be more grateful for Jesus or the presents they receive??? (ref: Deu 4:9)

Cheating On God
What does the adulterous courtier do to the married person? They say, "Look at me, look at me!" And since we cannot "multitask", if we're focusing on the courtier, we cannot focus on our spouse! If you "forget" the blessing of your spouse, the grace that they represent, even, then your fidelity to them is lost.

Memory Experiment
• Who said, after clicking their ruby slippers 3 times, "There's no place like home"?
• Who said, "sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you" (1 Pe 3:15)?

Grace-Orientation Promotes Integrity
A person who is satisfied with God's grace will function in integrity (integrity is doing the right thing, even when no one is looking).

"Oh, that's grace!"
Man often likes to say this, but how often is it true?

"Oh, that's grace!"...NOT!!!
• Paying a check when the waiter makes an error in your favor
• Signing your tax return when your account makes an error in your favor
• Receiving a Christian music CD that's been burned with music you didn't pay for

"Oh, that's grace!"...NOT!!!
• Loading pirated Christian software onto your computer
• Receiving a job promotion that takes you further away from your daily worship of the Lord

Remember God's Grace
Not only should we appreciate and respond to God's grace always, we must also compare it, honestly and with integrity, to all of God's Word. Remember, grace accommodates God, not man!