Gratitude For the Gospel
Every day we wake up should include an awe and wonder for the fact that God has saved us, by grace through faith!

How the Gospel Gets Perverted
A person who doesn’t understand salvation proper won’t seek the Savior proper; rather, they will seek a different savior to a different problem statement. The latter is how Satan deceives the world - he proposes a different problem.

How the Gospel Gets Perverted
While the Gospel is the very “power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Ro 1:16), it is “foolishness to those who are perishing” (1Co 1:18). Unsaved professing Christians are the ones who reject what Jesus said about Himself and His Gospel (1Jn 2:23).

How the Gospel Gets Perverted
A person who doesn’t understand salvation proper won’t seek the Savior proper; rather, they will seek a different savior to a different problem statement. The latter is how Satan deceives the world - he proposes a different problem.

How the Gospel Gets Perverted
While the Gospel is the very “power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Ro 1:16), it is “foolishness to those who are perishing” (1Co 1:18). Unsaved professing Christians are the ones who reject what Jesus said about Himself and His Gospel (1Jn 2:23).

Faith is power.

“the word of life”
Refers to the Gospel, which when believed, produces spiritual and eternal life, ala Eph 2:5 even when we were dead in our transgressions, made us alive together with Christ (by grace you have been saved). Now THAT is power!!!

“the word of life”
The Word of God speaks often of its own power, and its abilities to sanctify whatever it is that God desires to set apart for His purposes.

Any time there’s godly “movement” in our lives, under the power of the Word and the Spirit, we may rightly say that it is a part of our sanctification.