“Peace Be With You”
That we live in His peace is clearly one of our Lord's great desires for us, and now that "it is finished" (Jn 19:30), we can truly rest in and live in the peace He has purchased for us.

Matthew Henry on "Peace be with you"
The Lord was "conferring upon them all the blessed fruits and effects of his death and resurrection"

Heb 9:16-17 NIV
In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living.

The Pulpit Commentary on "Peace Be With You“
Jesus was now coming to His disciples in utterly different circumstances from any in which he had come before.

Jesus' Death Grants Us Peace
It was for eternal peace with God, so that as believers He could become our Father, even though as sinners we were His enemies.

Jesus' Death Grants Us Peace
Our Lord and Savior and Substitute walks with us every day as our Resurrected King. Psa 16:8-11,18:35

Jesus' Death Grants Us Peace
If David had this peace from God's presence, by faith, how much more should we have it now that our debt has been fully paid and Jesus is resurrected from the dead in victory?!

A Life of Peace
He desires so greatly that we possess and enjoy His peace, the peace that surpasses all comprehension, the peace He died to freely give us! Phil 4:7

"Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young
"Peace is My continual gift to you. It flows abundantly from My throne of grace. Just as the Israelites could not store up manna for the future but had to gather it daily, so it is with My Peace. The day-by-day collecting of manna kept My people aware of their dependence on Me. Similarly, I give you sufficient Peace for the present when you come to me by prayer and petition with thanksgiving.

"Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young
If I gave you permanent Peace, independent of My Presence, you might fall into the trap of self-sufficiency. May that never be! I have designed you to need Me moment by moment. As your awareness of your neediness increases, so does your realization of My abundant sufficiency.

"Jesus Calling" by Sarah Young
I can meet every one of your needs without draining My resources at all. Approach My throne of grace with bold confidence, receiving My Peace with a thankful heart. Exo 16:15-16, Phil 4:6-7,19, Heb 4:16

Heb 4:16 AMP
Let us then fearlessly and confidently and boldly draw near to the throne of grace (the throne of God's unmerited favor to us sinners), that we may receive mercy [for our failures] and find grace to help in good time for every need [appropriate help and well-timed help, coming just when we need it].

Righteousness and Peace
The believer now has peace with God! He is "right" with God, aka "righteous", by the blood of Christ (2Cor 5:21). Because of Christ's victory at the Cross and in Resurrection, righteousness and peace have now kissed each other (Psa 85:10)!

Righteousness and Peace
If you have trusted in Christ to save you from sin and death, then you are now righteous in God's eyes. He has made you holy, by grace, and you can confidently walk by faith in the peace of Christ!

Righteousness and Peace
Reconciliation means we now have peace with God through His Son. We have this peace because God, by grace, has made us righteous by His blood! 2Co 5:17-21

"Peace Be With You!"
We now have a position of peace with God. And this position of peace has purchased for us the opportunity to live by/enjoy His peace every day.

"Peace Be With You!"
Live in My peace! I have saved you by grace. Your price has now been paid. Now trust Me, and live in the peace that I have granted you for all eternity with Me.