It’s not what you call your spiritual gift…
…it is whether or not you accept your calling.

- some spiritual gifts, often the communication ones, are perceived as “better”, but they are not
- some people decide for themselves, based on human reasoning
- many people do not study the Word of God long enough before hearing the Holy Spirit’s guidance

“you were pagans”
Paul pointed out that some in the church were mixing paganistic rituals with Christianity (aka "syncretism"). Some were into "ecstatics", supposing direct contact with deity. To induce such things, people would get drunk (cp Eph 5:18), partaking in sexual orgies, even, and supposing higher spirituality.

Demons Capitalize On Paganism
It was quite possible that demons were involved in the so-called ecstatic "spirituality" that was infecting the church at Corinth (2Co 11:13-15). Some would even blaspheme the name of Jesus Christ.

The Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit will only testify of the Lord Jesus Christ and His will. (Ro 8:9)

Spiritual Continuity
Remember that the Word of God is the Word of Christ…and the Spirit of Christ is the Holy Spirit of God. Therefore, the Holy Spirit will always testify of the Word of God, the Bible.

Spiritual Continuity
Only God knows exactly how the Body of Christ best works together; therefore, ONLY God can decide rightly!

Ill-Fated Rescue Missions
As soon as man decides that God needs his help, he is at risk of putting his nose where it doesn't belong. God has accomplished His will just fine for millennia without your "help". Do not let human rationalism influence your spiritual gift(s) or how you exercise it/them.

“common good”
Man may perceive common good, but he cannot author it. How can he, given his limited knowledge compared to the omniscient God of the Universe??? God causes all things to work together for good, not man (Ro 8:28). Human rationalism has no place in "common good".

“just as He wills”
God wills, plans, chooses, and enables all spiritual gifts. Man cannot do these things righteously. The beauty is that if God wills it, it will be done. Our attitude must mirror Jesus', which manifests "Your will be done" (Mt 6:10; 26:42).

Regarding Honor
No spiritual gift is better than another. In fact, we are all servants of Christ, not ourselves. Our thoughts must be to obey, by faith, God’s will, no matter what!

Do Not Be Baited
No man can decide for himself regarding spiritual gifts. Furthermore, no man has the ability to decide for someone else what their spiritual gift is. Do not let others influence what God has spoken to you, even if it agrees with your flesh.

The Litmus Test
“Is what I’m doing bringing glory to God? If it is not His will, how can it even be?”

2Co 9:7
Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not grudgingly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

One Body, One Purpose
Rather than injecting human issues into the Body, let us seek unity to the glory of God.

We ALL have a purpose in Christ Jesus!