Malachi 4:2a “But for you who fear my name, the sun of righteousness shall rise with healing in its wings.”

This month we will finish up the Prophetic Section, as well as the Old Testament, with our review of the minor prophets. Remember, they are referred to as the “minor” prophets because of their length, not because they were less important!

-Continued warnings for Israel to stop worshipping other gods and also what would happen if they continued.
-God had Hosea marry a woman who kept running off with other men. This was to paint the picture of how God’s people kept “running off” and worshipping other gods.

-Focused on how repentance could repair the broken relationship Israel had with God due to their sin.

-Warnings about the punishment and destruction that would happen to the people if they continued in their rebellion against God.

-Describes God’s judgment against the Edomites (descendants of Esau) due to their poor treatment of the Jews when they were entering the Promised Land.
-Also contains prophesies about the return of God’s people to Jerusalem.

-The story of how this prophet disobeyed God’s command to warn Nineveh and paid the price (remember the big fish?).
-Both Jonah and Nineveh were given the chance to repent.

-Tells the Israelites to live in justice, kindness and love. Nahum -Prophecy of the destruction of Nineveh.

-Announces that God’s judgement of Judah will come through the wicked Babylonian Empire.

-Tells how the Day of the Lord will be good news for those who obey, bad news for those who do not. Haggai -Encourages the exiles to finish building God’s temple.

-Prophecies about the coming Messiah and the glorious future of God’s people.

-Message from God for His people to stay faithful and stick to the covenant, as they would still be the key to the promise given in the covenant of Abraham.

Wow! The Old Testament is exciting and we have learned so much! God is love and perfectly holy. We could never be perfect enough to be with Him. Lucky for us that He has a plan to save us! We will see how the Old Testament prophesies about the New Covenant and the Savior are fulfilled in the New Testament, starting next month- Yay!