Why an Attitude of Gratitude Rocks! – blog 4/26/24
When you live a life of gratitude, life becomes like a song. It’s contagious, too! You sing your way through it, in good times and bad, because you never lose sight of God’s grace. To you, nothing else matters but to worship God, bringing glory to Him in the process!

Why an Attitude of Gratitude Rocks! – blog 4/26/24
An attitude of gratitude is a way of life, not just a once and a while strategy that you rely on when times get bad. It’s an I’m-going-to-take-every-thought-captive-to-Christ attitude. It sets you free to enjoy your life.

God’s commands are really a showcase for His own grace!

Melchizedek is given preeminence over Abraham and ultimately Aaron (the first Levitical high priest). He was appointed by God, not based on his genealogy. His life is referred to without a beginning or an end, typifying an eternal priestly ministry like Christ’s.