Finding Purpose In Your Work – blog, 6/14/24
If you’re struggling with work, particularly in finding the right motivation, then remember this one thing, you work for the One who paid your ransom price. You work for the One who purchased you from the slave market of sin. You work for your perfect Master. Therefore, your purpose for working isn’t to make money, per se (money is just the vehicle); rather, it’s about laboring for the advancement of His kingdom, and doing so with a grateful heart.

Is the best way to interpret Hebrews 6:4-6 as a hypothetical statement from a fearful pastor that ultimately challenged his audience to interpret it for themselves?

The Light of Christ explains the absolute Truth about all things (the way God sees them), whether said revelation exposes the good, the bad, or the ugly.

People can reject the Light, even when it directly shines on them.