Truth Is Light – blog, 6/21/24
Truth is light. Light shines into darkness. When it does, you have a personal choice to make; accept what the Word of God shows you, then grow or shrink away from it to your own demise. And for the record, it shouldn’t matter if what the Light exposes is pleasant or not. What truly matters is that God has been gracious enough to reveal it to you. Be grateful.

If you take the “sting” out of the Gospel, you take the real reason a person needs a Savior out of the equation.

The best fights in this life are fought for others.

To be an “apostate”, there are very specific conditions that must be met first.

Truth Is Light – blog, 6/21/24
Whether it’s the good, the bad, or the ugly that Light exposes, the only thing that matters is that we understand the truth. When Holy Scripture reveals something about us, we must accept it at face value. We mustn’t become satanic and try to find loopholes and excuses. Rather, we must say, “Yes, that is an accurate description of who I am.” That is meaningful progress. If we reject the truth (preferring to recede into darkness) we stunt our spiritual growth. Self-preservation is like that (it’s not our friend).
- Whether or not a person accepts the Truth never changes the Truth.
- Truth is Truth and once it’s set before a person, they are responsible to it in the eyes of God.

The Light of Christ explains the absolute Truth about all things (the way God sees them), whether said revelation exposes the good, the bad, or the ugly.

People can reject the Light, even when it directly shines on them.