Truth Is Light – blog, 6/21/24
Truth is light. Light shines into darkness. When it does, you have a personal choice to make; accept what the Word of God shows you, then grow or shrink away from it to your own demise. And for the record, it shouldn’t matter if what the Light exposes is pleasant or not. What truly matters is that God has been gracious enough to reveal it to you. Be grateful.

Jesus also strongly encouraged people to stop thinking they are better than others, and therefore somehow exempt from God's judgment. Lk 13:1-5

We must watch out for counterfeit gospels that discourage the Light to shine on our drastic need for a Savior!

If you take the “sting” out of the Gospel, you take the real reason a person needs a Savior out of the equation.

The best fights in this life are fought for others.

Christ's love willingly enters into the fray, it doesn't try to hide from the good fight. Just look at our dear Lord willingly submitting to the Cross for our sakes.

- Whether or not a person accepts the Truth never changes the Truth.
- Truth is Truth and once it’s set before a person, they are responsible to it in the eyes of God.

To be saved, one must transfer their trust to Christ alone. And this means turning one's back on oneself!

We need to let people know we care about them and what will happen to them one day if they don't have Christ.

We must tap into Christ's love as our motivation (And His love goes BEYOND knowledge, Eph 3). Without it, we won't have the strength to tell people the whole truth, as Christ did, for our salvation.