Momma and Her Ten Chicks – blog, 6/28/24
Maybe there are profound moments of clarity that I might experience by dropping my biases towards the people I dislike the most. Maybe there’s a reason why God created us so differently, yet exactly as He purposed. Maybe a turkey can teach me something if my heart is open to it. Dare I say it may even teach me a little bit about love?

Momma and Her Ten Chicks – blog, 6/28/24
The most beautiful thing I know is love. Love is indiscriminate. It is unbiased in its purest form. It is willing to see past the things that irritate me. It desires a virtuous relationship with others; an open, honest, respectful one.

The best fights in this life are fought for others.

To be an “apostate”, there are very specific conditions that must be met first.

- Whether or not a person accepts the Truth never changes the Truth.
- Truth is Truth and once it’s set before a person, they are responsible to it in the eyes of God.

The Light of Christ explains the absolute Truth about all things (the way God sees them), whether said revelation exposes the good, the bad, or the ugly.

People can reject the Light, even when it directly shines on them.

Beware of those who claim to have found “better news” than the one Jesus preached! It’s very much like Satan to infiltrate a congregation through a human agent (someone who “looks” and “acts” the part) and then pull them away for the sake of pulling multiple congregants away in the end.

The WHO here is someone who has “experienced” firsthand the “heavenly gift” (aka – the “indescribable gift” – 2Co 9:15).

Momma and Her Ten Chicks – blog, 6/28/24
It’s hard to begrudge innocent creatures, especially when you realize they are just trying to get along in this world like the rest of us. And, furthermore, as a friendly reminder to myself, it was my relatives who caused them all the discord, pain, and suffering they currently endure!