God is perfectly just, and in His timing He WILL come through for us, so we must always pray and not lose heart. Period. This is a perpetual lifestyle we have the right to live in as children of God! Luk 18:1-8

In our ever-increasing society of isolation, by faith, we can purposely go against that trend and turn the tables on it. We are to be lights to the world!

Adopted Sorrow – blog, 7/5/24
My friend, life is short. Whatever sorrow we must endure, let’s endure it together. I won’t close my heart to you, and I ask that you don’t close yours to me. We need each other.

We mustn't lose touch, nor lose heart, for one another. This means paying attention to one another with the love of Christ. Eph 5:15-21

Not everyone is saved in this world. But everyone that ends up in Hell will be there justifiably.

To be an “apostate”, there are very specific conditions that must be met first.

Beware of those who claim to have found “better news” than the one Jesus preached! It’s very much like Satan to infiltrate a congregation through a human agent (someone who “looks” and “acts” the part) and then pull them away for the sake of pulling multiple congregants away in the end.

Apostasy is not just someone walking away saying "I'm all set on my own", but there's a certain disdain or contempt they enter into by rejecting His grace! Heb 6:6