Simple Doesn’t Mean Simplistic – blog, 7/12/24
A simple life is unfettered by vain philosophies and ideas that distract us from the Truth that sets us free (John 8:32). Christ is our ‘true north’, and all our investments of time and energy are to be directed towards being sanctified in Him (e.g., growing closer to Him daily).

Simple Doesn’t Mean Simplistic – blog, 7/12/24
Don’t misinterpret what the Bible has to say about simplicity (e.g., 2 Corinthians 11:3). It’s God’s intended blessing that you be simple, but it’s not His will that you are simplistic. There’s a big difference between simplicity and simplistic.

God didn’t save you so that you can take your newfound freedom to walk right back into bondage!

To be an “apostate”, there are very specific conditions that must be met first.

God’s grace very often spills over into the cups of unbelievers. If those blessings are primarily meant for His children, then we might call that “blessing by association.”

Apostasy is not just someone walking away saying "I'm all set on my own", but there's a certain disdain or contempt in their heart which they reveal by rejecting His grace! Heb 6:6

The fruit of the Spirit reaps spiritual truth, the fruit of the flesh reaps fleshly truth.