Being that God cannot lie, we have guarantees from Him that are perfect!

Eternal life is to have the joy of knowing the God who never lies. And it is to know the Great Hope; His Name is Jesus Christ.

If we ever had to “work” for God’s grace, we’d always fail ourselves because our human capabilities are flawed. God’s standard of righteousness is nothing short of perfection. Only Christ’s imputed righteousness, by God’s grace, can meet God’s standard for salvation.

God couldn't love you any more than He does right now!! Once you belong to Christ, you are loved just as Jesus is loved by the Father!

God the Father is completely, and forever, satisfied with us believers because of the blood of Christ. AND THIS NEVER ENDS, because He's our Great and Perfect High Priest, "permanently" and "forever".

Because of the sacrifice of Christ on our behalf, righteousness and peace have kissed each other, once for all.