Genuine Salvation
To be saved, there must be a transfer of trust to Christ alone in someone's soul.

"Die In Your Sins"
If someone refuses to turn to Christ in humility, they remain in their sins, as Christ's forgiveness and righteousness will not be credited to their account. Jn 8:24, 2Co 5:20-21
Personal sins are used to describe the judgment of the unsaved. 1Co 6:9-10, Rev 21:8

William Booth
"The chief danger of the 20th century will be religion without the Holy Spirit, Christianity without Christ, forgiveness without repentance, salvation without regeneration, politics without God, and heaven without hell."

Lk 24:45-48 NASU
Then He (Jesus) opened their minds to understand the Scriptures, and He said to them, "Thus it is written, that the Christ would suffer and rise again from the dead the third day, and that repentance for forgiveness of sins would be proclaimed in His name to all the nations, beginning from Jerusalem. "You are witnesses of these things.

Genuine Salvation
Unbelievers won't experience forgiveness in their own lives until they have an attitude of repentance towards God and turn to the Lord Jesus alone to save them, as the "apostle of grace" stated in Ac

Effective Evangelism
God's Law should be used as an impetus to help people see their need for the Savior.

What Are Unbelievers Under?
Condemnation and wrath according to the Lord Jesus and John the Baptist in Jn 3:18,36, and according to Paul's description of us before we came to Christ, Eph 2:1-3.

Charles Spurgeon
"I do not believe that any man can preach the gospel who does not preach the Law. The Law is the needle, and you cannot draw the silken thread of the gospel through a man's heart unless you first send the needle of the Law to make way for it."

Effective Evangelism
In His evangelism, Jesus often used the Law to lead people to a knowledge of their sin against God. (i.e. Mt 5:17-30, Lk 18:18-20, Jn 4:16-18)

The Law Is Our Tutor
The apostle Paul, the apostle of grace, also wrote about the value of the Law in evangelism. Ro 3:19-20, Gal 3:21-24

Gal 3:21-24 NASU
Is the Law then contrary to the promises of God? May it never be! For if a law had been given which was able to impart life, then righteousness would indeed have been based on law. But the Scripture has shut up everyone under sin, so that the promise by faith in Jesus Christ might be given to those who believe.
But before faith came, we were kept in custody under the law, being shut up to the faith which was later to be revealed. Therefore the Law has become our tutor to lead us to Christ, so that we may be justified by faith.

Effective Evangelism
The Law, and a man's conscience, are two of our best friends in witnessing to others about Christ.

Just Another Walk in the Park
To witness for Christ is WHO WE ARE and WHAT WE DO. It BECOMES us as we grow in the Word. Very simply, we are His witnesses!

Just Another Walk in the Park
"If you were to die tonight, WHERE are you going, and WHY?“
“Do you believe there's an afterlife?"

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: If you were to die tonight, WHERE are you going, and WHY?
Ima Goode : "I hope I'm going to heaven, because overall I'm a good person. I try to help people and live a good life."
Christian: "oh really? I used to think I was a good person too. Let's test this if you don't mind. I'll play the prosecutor and you play the defendant, OK?"

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: "Have you ever lied??” Ima Goode: “oh yeah, who hasn’t?!”
Christian: “How many times do you think you’ve lied in your life?”
Ima Goode : “Oh wow, hundreds, I can’t even count.”

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: “So... ummm... what do you call someone that lies??"
Ima Goode: "A liar?"
Christian: You’ve just broken one part of God’s Law, the 10 Commandments, did you know that?”
Ima Goode: “No, not really.”

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: “Have you ever stolen something, even as a child?”
Ima Goode: “Ummmm.... yeahhhh.” Christian: "Hmmm... what do you call someone
that steals?"
Ima Goode: "A thief!"

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: “Ok, I appreciate your honesty, really. Have you ever used God's name in vain, kind of like a swear word??”
Ima Goode: “Uh, yeah, I’m guilty of that one too. I don’t mean to, but I have.”
Christian: “Yeah, I’ve been guilty of that too, unfortunately.”

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: “Jesus said if we look at a woman with lust, we've committed adultery with her in our hearts. Have you ever looked at someone with lust?”
Ima Goode: “Yeahhhh”

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: “So, my friend, I'm not judging you, I've been just as guilty in my life. But you’ve just told me by your own admission you’ve broken 4 of God’s 10 commandments, and that's just as an example.“
"That's God's Law that you've broken, which means these are actually crimes against your God and Creator."

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian:“If you were face to face with God tonight, do you think you would be innocent or guilty?”
Ima Goode: “Guilty" Christian: “Heaven or hell?” Ima Goode: “Gee, I guess Hell.”

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: “You see, God is perfect, and He requires perfection to get into heaven. If that's true, and the Word of God says it is, then how are ANY of us getting into heaven if we've all broken His commands???”
Ima Goode: "We're not!"

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: “So what hope do we have?!!... and I’m in the same boat as you, or at least I was. But there’s GOOD NEWS, my friend. If you've heard of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, the word "gospel" means the good news. So what's the good news?! Even though we are all guilty before God, the Bible says God loved us so much, He sent us His Son to save us from the judgment we actually deserve.”

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: “Have you heard that Jesus died on the cross from your sins, and then rose from the grave?”
Ima Goode : “Yes I have. I grew up Catholic.” 

Christian: “ok good, but do you understand the legal implications of the cross?”
Ima Goode : “No”

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian: Please allow me to explain the good news to you with an analogy: You are brought before the Court tomorrow in your nearby city, and the Judge finds you guilty of a crime. He says your fine is $50,000. You say “Judge, I don't have $50,000!” - so he sends you to jail.

Just Another Walk in the Park
You might even say “But Judge, I’m overall a good person.” But if he’s a good judge, he’s going to have to punish you for your crime, right? Do you want a judge letting murderers out on the street?

Just Another Walk in the Park
But let's say your best friend walks into the courtroom and says "Your Honor, I want to pay the $50,000 fine for my friend here." And the Judge AGREES! He accepts the payment on your behalf!
So even though you're guilty, you are free to go. Why? - because someone paid your fine. Jesus PAID OUR FINE.

Just Another Walk in the Park
Ima Goode : “Ohhhhhh”
Christian: Those are the legal implications of the Cross! That’s the good news of the Gospel! The perfect Judge in heaven, God the Father, accepted the payment Jesus made on our behalf. But He paid our price NOT with money, but with His own innocent blood.

Just Another Walk in the Park
And before He gave up His Spirit on the Cross, He said three peculiar words: do you know what He said?? - "It is finished"! - Jesus, who was actually God in the flesh, paid the full price for our sins, so we don't have to be judged. 
What we're commanded to do, if we want to be saved, is to repent and place our trust in Christ alone! 
(Change your mind, turn around in your heart! You've sinned against God and you cannot save your "self"; only the Savior can.)

Just Another Walk in the Park
Does that make sense?? Will you at least think about this? (give them a tract to take home)
Do you own a Bible? If so, go home and check out the gospel of John.
Would you like to talk about this again sometime?

Just Another Walk in the Park
Christian : "You and I are guilty before God, so we must stop trusting in our own goodness to get to heaven (as religion often teaches us to do), and instead place our trust in Christ alone as our Lord and Savior. Jesus is the only truly good One, and He's the only One that made a satisfactory payment for our sins, according to the Bible.

Just Another Walk in the Park
As the Lord Jesus said; "repent and believe in the gospel" Mark 1:15c
And the word "gospel" means GOOD NEWS!
ALL OF THIS by God's grace and mercy alone.
That's why people say His love is beyond what we can even imagine.
Does that make sense?

Just Another Walk in the Park
The only way we could possibly relate at all is to ask ourselves the following:
Would you be willing to sacrifice the life of your own child to save the lives of others?
How about this? - Would you be willing to sacrifice the life of your own child to save the lives of ... your enemies?

Just Another Walk in the Park
The Bible says God the Father gave up His only Son FOR US, and Christ died for us while we were His ENEMIES! Rom 5:8,10
THAT'S the tremendous, overwhelming love of God... and the Good News of the Gospel of Jesus Christ!
Embrace the Truth in your heart, by grace through faith, and the Truth will set you free, my friend! 
Rom 10:9-11, Joh 3:16-18

Just Another Walk in the Park
Salvation is between you and the Lord. And God looks at the heart.
The time is short, as is life. Go to Him and surrender in repentance and faith. He is a good, good God who is "rich in mercy", and He loves to give "grace to the humble". 
Eph 2:1-10, Lk 18-9-14

Just Another Walk in the Park
Salvation is between you and the Lord. And God looks at the heart.
The time is short, as is life. Go to Him and surrender in repentance and faith. He is a good, good God who is "rich in mercy", and He loves to give "grace to the humble".
Eph 2:1-10, Lk 18-9-14

Just Another Walk in the Park
Find a Bible and start by reading the gospel of John.
Jesus now calls you to follow Him, and that begins by following His Word. 
Jn 1:14, 10:27-28
"Would you like to chat again sometime??"

Effective Evangelism
- One on one witnessing can avoid social discomfort.
- Think about the boastful pride of life vs. the humility of salvation.
- Think about doing evangelism in two's, as Jesus taught. (Team up with someone!)
- Present the information, including the reality of breaking God’s Law, and let God "close the deal".