Simplicity and Purity (2Co 1:3)
We must guard our hearts from the subtleties of deception. Our job is to ”put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh in regard to its lusts” (Ro 13:14).

Spiritual Tug of War
There's a temptation for the good soldier to abandon ship... to seek an easier life that doesn't involve discipline (i.e. living for self)... yet it's end is the way of death, AND we miss out on the glory of serving our Lord and King.

Let’s not be suckers for the lies!

Guard Your Hearts
Taking care of your vineyard means a multitude of things. Sometimes you’re watering it, other times you’re protecting it from the elements.

This Isn’t Gambling…
It’s not “if” you get attacked, it’s “when”.

The things you own end up owning you!
- Secular Proverb

Heart Issues Regarding Finances
Neither greed nor asceticism is righteous. The problem with both is that the human heart is wrong about finances. The ONLY righteous way is that which is found in the Word; but one must ALWAYS interpret Holy Scripture IN CONTEXT!!!

Heart Issues Regarding Finances
It doesn’t even matter if you have the “treasure” that is leading your mind astray, for even a broke person in a dirt-floored hut could be more prone to the love of money than a billionaire somewhere else.

What are we clinging to for security???

Balance Statement
God wants our first fruits, which means to give priority to Him, honoring Him with your income, giving from your heart, for “God loves a cheerful giver” (2Co 9:7). The Bible never states that you cannot save for the future or be prepared financially. In fact, it contains many balance statements.

Mt 4:7

False Doctrine
Having health insurance, a retirement account, money in the bank, a home, a vehicle that is paid for, or any other form of measurable wealth is wrong and indicative of a lack of faith. <— THAT statement is NOT Biblical!

Balance Statement
Remember the CONTEXT of every passage in the Bible. Most times Jesus or anyone was writing about finances, it was against a person’s love for money trumping God’s will in their lives. It’s never meant to say “never save a dime”.

Balance Statement
First fruits implies giving offerings to God first. The Bible never says that we ought to give everything in the offering basket or to our neighbor in need, for implied in “first” is “the rest”. Motivation is KEY! God sees the heart. (e.g. Mk 14:3-9)

First Fruits
Money is the result of something much more fundamental - hard work. It seems the greatest failure nowadays is not giving first fruits in our time/energy…of US!

First Fruits
One of the greatest lack of first fruit giving is in the realm of laboring for the Lord.