We must be weak to receive God’s grace properly.
All Things Are Lawful – blog 3/22/24
While Christ’s sacrifice covers the sins of God’s children, this doesn’t mean that we are given liberty to sin even more! We mustn’t confuse our eternal position in Christ with our progressive sanctification while here on Earth. “Do not be deceived: God is not mocked, for whatever one sows, that will he also reap” (Galatians 6:7).
All Things Are Lawful – blog 3/22/24
A believer’s body is a temple of the Spirit of Christ. Jesus Christ purchased that temple with His own blood. There is no justifiable reason to defile it with sexual sins…All things are not lawful, especially when the greatest law of all is love.
Grace isn’t an excuse to be lazy. In fact, when you appreciate it, properly, you are motivated more than ever to take full
When God gives us grace, and we DO receive it properly, we work with it, diligently, to multiple God’s glory!
Grace is not a retirement plan, my friends; rather, it’s a call to work hard throughout the remainder of your days!!!
When you understand the value of God’s currency (grace) in this life, you want to SPEND it!