Gratitude is a key to living in His peace as we go about our days on earth. We must walk around grateful!

Why an Attitude of Gratitude Rocks– blog 4/26/24
When you live a life of gratitude, life becomes like a song. It’s contagious, too! You sing your way through it, in good times and bad, because you never lose sight of God’s grace. To you, nothing else matters but to worship God, bringing glory to Him in the process! That’s a very powerful place to be in this world, my friend. And that’s precisely where our loving Father in Heaven wants us – in His saving arms.

Abiding in the sphere of God’s love is a privilege. Own it. Live in it. Be grateful for it.

Once a person is born again and saved, they are a new creature with a new heart. Thus, they can do the work of God to His glory, from a good heart instead of from an evil heart.

The Deceitfulness of Sin
You are incapable of controlling sin on your own! Sin wants to deceive you of this very truth; it wants you to think that you actually CAN control it so that you don’t cut it off (ala Mt 18:8-9), but you HAVEN’T, you CAN’T, you NEVER WILL!

Good soil bears good fruit.

Repentance is a beautiful gift from the grace of God, helping us cut off the idea that we can make up for our sins on our own somehow.