The Empathetic Leader – blog 9/13/24
Great leaders are servants first. A servant’s first order of business is to tend to others. They are thrilled when others succeed and pained by their failures (ala Romans 12:15). We call this empathy.

The Empathetic Leader – blog 9/13/24
True empathy implies sacrificial love. Great leaders put the welfare of others over their own. Personal advancement is not their objective. Love doesn’t motivate that way (1 Corinthians 13).

The Empathetic Leader – blog 9/13/24
Contrary to popular belief, great leaders aren’t born. They are followers first. As Christians we must go to the Word of God in humility for guidance. Since we are all leaders in some aspect of our lives, our aspirations must be excellence. It’s a privilege and honor to lead others.

How I Missed My Marksmanship Ribbon – blog 9/6/24
If we take our best shot with a crooked aiming system, we’ll never hit our intended target, no matter how focused or intentional we may be when we pull the trigger.

How I Missed My Marksmanship Ribbon – blog 9/6/24
This reminds me of a well-intentioned Christian whose guidance system is still polluted by worldly thinking (aka sin). There are lots of Christians who truly mean well but aren’t aware of how misguided their thoughts and actions are. Why? Because they are deceived by sin, itself.

How I Missed My Marksmanship Ribbon – blog 9/6/24
Sin is extremely difficult to overcome because it not only perverts your line of sight, but it also convinces you that you’ve been hitting the center of the bullseye! In fact, you are so convinced of your righteousness that you begin to treasure the very fruit of your sin.

Persistence in the faith is evidence of salvation. Conversely, a person who abandons the faith and lacks persistence shows evidence of an unregenerate heart.