On Judgement
There’s nothing wrong with righteously judging right from wrong. Our judgement translates into evil when we cast a sentence upon another, suggesting punishment, even.

Read the Bible IN CONTEXT!!!

The Context of Ro 2:1
Paul wasn’t saying that judging was wrong, he was simply pointing out that if his audience were to judge rightly, they’d have to judge themselves rightly, in integrity. In context, this would be an indictment since they were practicing the same things they were judging others for.

from prasso - in the present-active-indicative, which refers to habit/lifestyle

On Ro 2:1-8
The point Paul is making is that his audience was hypocritical, rightly judging others while refusing to judge themselves by the same standard, the one that God uses impartially for all.

Lk 11:46
But He said, “Woe to you lawyers as well! For you weigh men down with burdens hard to bear, while you yourselves will not even touch the burdens with one of your fingers.

Balance Statement
We are not to become “judge and jury” over spiritually private matters, supposing this or that punishment “fits the crime.” For example, we cannot judge another’s heart, only their actions (facts only, not assumptions).

The Total Depravity of Man
by A. W. Pink

The Total Depravity of Man
Describes the pervasive corruption and pollution of sin passed down from Adam. Its effects are devastating to man.

Depravity borne of sin…
1) Effects every aspect of man
2) Renders every man unable to please God
3) Is universal, effecting every man ever born

The Total Depravity of Man
Describes the pervasive corruption and pollution of sin passed down from Adam. Its effects are devastating to man.

Depravity borne of sin…
1) Effects every aspect of man
2) Renders every man unable to please God
3) Is universal, effecting every man ever born

The Simple Definition for Sin
Sin is any lack of conformity to God’s will, whether expressed actively or passively.

It is like a disease that every man is born with, infected by. It permeates every cell of our body from birth. It exists in this world, even outside of our bodies, infecting nature, also. It is, therefore, the thing that causes persistent tension between God and His creation.