Sin’s Device
Sin deceives us away from giving gratitude to God for whatever good things we DO have (e.g. whatever good health we enjoy).

“Is there anything that is actually “unfair” in our lives???”

The Spirit of Christ Says:
- Be grateful
- Pray within the sphere of this gratitude
- Love
- Rest, and take comfort in His promises

Peace, freedom, and no doubts/anxiety - these are divine gifts of God granted to those who obey His Word. Is there anything more valuable???

Do You Have Reason For Gratitude?
YES!!! EVERYTHING in this life is a PRIVILEGE; even the things God asks us to suffer for Christ's sake. It would do us well to remember that.

It is often indescribable at inception, as an idea, a living hope; but, once consummated by the Spirit of God, by His power and grace, it becomes plainly obvious. Faith is what gets us from hope to reality.

What is it, if it’s not “being still”? If we abide in gratitude, we REST in God’s promises; we stop joining in the fray, which is rightly described as a frantic grab for other things that might deliver us (or at least preoccupy our minds away from the visceral pain of ‘lack of faith’).

We're "giving in" to Sin when we stop being thankful for all things!

No matter how hopeless the circumstance, our God CAN heal us if it's His will. But faith plays an integral part in that! (Mt 13:58, 14:34-36, 15:21-28)

Deliverance & Eternal Things
How about seeking healing from sin and our affection for it?
How about seeking healing from certain lust patterns that we simply cannot defeat on our own?

Deliverance & Eternal Things
How about asking Him for deliverance, instead of only relief from the pain?
How about trusting in and being thankful for the Deliverer Himself, even if it's not the time for deliverance yet?

Why do we put so much stock in other things, in worldly comforts, and in good health in this temporary body? Why do we let those things control us and determine our happiness?
Answer: Because we are listening to the sin nature within us, not the Spirit of the living God.

Playing the Fool
We foolishly, being deceived by sin, think that our lives are our own, when they are not.