“Peace Be With You!”
The Lord had never said it this way before, and these were the very first words out of His mouth to the disciples after His resurrection. He greeted them with these words 3 different times. (Joh 20:19,21,26)

John 20:21
So Jesus said to them again, "Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you."

“Peace Be With You!”
That we live in His peace is clearly one of our Lord's great desires for us, and now that "it is finished" (Jn 19:30), we can truly rest in and live in the peace He has purchased for us.

Peace Made Possible
After the crucifixion and resurrection of Christ, sin and death were officially and completely defeated, and taken out of the way of man's relationship with God. Col 2:14

Heb 9:16-17 NIV
In the case of a will, it is necessary to prove the death of the one who made it, because a will is in force only when somebody has died; it never takes effect while the one who made it is living.

Eph 2:14a
For He Himself is our peace

Prov 27:19 NIV
As water reflects a face, so a man's heart reflects the man.

Receiving His Peace
We often keep our eyes of faith closed, or just squinting through to take a peek, not fully trusting. But the Lord wants us to embrace His peace with eyes wide open.

Receiving His Peace
He gave us His very own Spirit, to be with us every day, to be at our side, He Himself being our peace. Joh 14:16-18,25-27, Rom 8:9-11, 1Pe 1:10-12

Jesus' Death Grants Us Peace
Our Lord and Savior and Substitute walks with us every day as our Resurrected King. Psa 16:8-11,18:35

A Life of Peace
It's a daily opportunity; the Lord wants us to know we can't do this without Him, ever, so He has designed life so that a daily reliance on Him is needed to experience His peace.

Our Daily Bread
We can't live off of yesterday's spiritual food, yesterday's Bible reading, or yesterday's Bible lesson. Our soul needs fresh spiritual food/nutrition every day, just as God designed our bodies to need food daily. (i.e. Exo 16:14-21)

Peace By Peace
We need to go to the Lord one day at a time, in humility, if we want to enjoy His peace. The Lord, out of His great love for us, will not allow us to experience His peace unless we follow Him. (i.e. Joh 10:27-30, Phil 4:6-7)

Righteousness and Peace
The believer now has peace with God! He is "right" with God, aka "righteous", by the blood of Christ (2Cor 5:21) .  Because of Christ's victory at the Cross and in Resurrection, righteousness and peace have now kissed each other (Psa 85:10)!

Righteousness and Peace
Reconciliation means we now have peace with God through His Son. We have this peace because God, by grace, has made us righteous by His blood! 2Co 5:17-21

"Peace Be With You!"
We now have a position of peace with God. And this position of peace has purchased for us the opportunity to live by/enjoy His peace every day.

Perspective on His Peace
Look at His peace, the very peace of Christ, as a weapon in your life.

Perspective on His Peace
His peace is a spiritual weapon of great import. He designed it that way, so His plan cannot be fulfilled by our own will or power, but by standing in His peace. Eph 6

John 4:32
"I have food to eat that you do not know about."

His Peace Sustains Us
By faith, we can transcend the details in this world and have His peace sustain us in any circumstance. Joh 4:32

Our Lord paid our price for sin and extended the olive branch to mankind, despite our guilt and unworthiness. (i.e. Rom 5:10)
Man's part is repentance and faith in Christ. He must turn in his heart from his sin and self, and accept the offer of peace from his Maker and Savior. (i.e. Act 20:21)

Man's pride is really the only thing that stands in the way of God's wonderful offer of peace from being consummated. Rom 1

Heb 9:27
And inasmuch as it is appointed for men to die once and after this comes judgment, so Christ also, having been offered once to bear the sins of many, will appear a second time for salvation without reference to sin, to those who eagerly await Him.

God's Provision of Salvation
The whole idea was that God was offering peace to sinful man, and blood had to be shed as a payment for sin. And by grace through faith, man could accept God's offer of peace, on God's terms only, He being the innocent/offended party.

Receiving Reconciliation
When we witness to people, we are actually encouraging people to accept God's offer of peace and total forgiveness through Christ.