The Great Litmus Test
Is what you’re doing (or thinking about doing) bringing glory to God? Are you “[glorifying] God in your body?” (1 Co 6:20)

“bodily discipline is only of little profit”
It is conceded that bodily discipline is of profit; however, compared to spiritual fitness, it pales. This is not a license for physical unfitness (it’s just the opposite); rather, it simply gives us perspective on order of priorities.

1Co 6:13b
Yet the body is not for immorality, but for the Lord, and the Lord is for the body.

1Co 15:31
I affirm, brethren, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.

Ask yourselves…
Why do diet and exercise fads ALWAYS fail eventually?
Answer: Poor motivation! (Ala Jas 4:3)

Physical Fitness
Fitness is a way of life with a definite purpose. It is NOT meant to bolster the flesh with pride; rather, it is meant to be a component of overall fitness/readiness to serve the Lord. (e.g. Pr 31:17)

Fitness For Service
For the sake of proper perspective, we mustn’t make physical fitness anything but a SLAVE of spiritual fitness! We must be properly motivated (serving the Lord rather than the flesh).


The Deceitfulness of Sin
Sin’s end game is to thwart the will of God. The most effective way to do this is to insert false knowledge into the mind, thus defiling the conscience.