1Co 6:19-20
Or do you not know that your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit who is in you, whom you have from God, and that you are not your own? For you have been bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body.

The Great Litmus Test
Is what you’re doing (or thinking about doing) bringing glory to God? Are you “[glorifying] God in your body?” (1 Co 6:20)

Ro 12:1 AMP
I APPEAL to you therefore, brethren, and beg of you in view of [all] the mercies of God, to make a decisive dedication of your bodies [presenting all your members and faculties] as a living sacrifice, holy (devoted, consecrated) and well pleasing to God, which is your reasonable (rational, intelligent) service and spiritual worship.

Ro 12:1 MSG
So here's what I want you to do, God helping you: Take your everyday, ordinary life — your sleeping, eating, going-to-work, and walking-around life — and place it before God as an offering. Embracing what God does for you is the best thing you can do for him.

Christ Exalted In Our Bodies!
When we subject or submit this body to God's purposes and not our own, we can be a light on a hill to a lost and dying world, a physical example of Christ's love, even in persecution. Php 1:20, 2Co 4:10

Protect Your Mind!
"I'm not going to let Satan win by being undisciplined with my body... that's just one more tactic of his, to get me to be lazy and careless with my body."

1Co 15:31
I affirm, brethren, by the boasting in you which I have in Christ Jesus our Lord, I die daily.

Jas 4:3
You ask and do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, so that you may spend it on your pleasures.

What Are Your Motives?
1Sa 16:7, Jas 4:3, Heb 4:12c

Heb 4:12c
The Word of God is... "able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart."

Is 53:2
For He grew up before Him like a tender shoot,
And like a root out of parched ground;
He has no stately form or majesty
That we should look upon Him,
Nor appearance that we should be attracted to Him.

Pr 31:25, 31:30
Strength and dignity are her clothing, And she smiles at the future…
Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, but a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised.

Fitness For Service
For the sake of proper perspective, we mustn’t make physical fitness anything but a SLAVE of spiritual fitness! We must be properly motivated (serving the Lord rather than the flesh).


The Deceitfulness of Sin
Sin’s end game is to thwart the will of God. The most effective way to do this is to insert false knowledge into the mind, thus defiling the conscience.

God's Desire For Us
“Crucify your flesh on the Cross with my Son…send it all to the grave, where He went…and enjoy the resurrection life, scars and all!”

Jas 4:9
Be miserable and mourn and weep; let your laughter be turned into mourning and your joy to gloom.

What's "Normal"???
Step back and challenge your norms!