Christ willingly ceded superiority temporarily to accomplish a specific goal.

True Grace Motivates!
Doing good works comes from the motivation of gratitude and love, not from guilt or striving to earn our way.

Know Your Destiny
The writer of Hebrews draws his audience of believers into fellowship with their destiny, as co-victors with the Champion who overcame death, itself, and therefore any real opposition we might face in life from our enemies.

Jesus Knew His Destiny
Jesus condescended to Earth in order to become like those He intended to save (Php 2:6-8). This was His mission and when He accomplished it, He became our relatable “Champion” over that which stood between us and God from the Fall – death.

Know Your Destiny
The writer of Hebrews draws his audience of believers into fellowship with their destiny, as co-victors with the Champion who overcame death, itself, and therefore any real opposition we might face in life from our enemies.

Jesus Knew His Destiny
Jesus condescended to Earth in order to become like those He intended to save (Php 2:6-8). This was His mission and when He accomplished it, He became our relatable “Champion” over that which stood between us and God from the Fall – death.

Celebrate Life
You are a champion because Jesus Christ the preeminent Champion and you have been baptized into union with Him!

Own It – blog 9/29/23
Satan, the god of this world, has architected a system to distract you, to sow doubt and insecurity in you. You deserve much better than that! From eternity past, God has had better plans for you. Own your destiny!

Own It – blog 9/29/23
Maybe the next time your insecurity gets the best of you, just say to yourself, “This is who I am. This is how God made me. I need to own it already!"