Being Righteous/Having Integrity
HOW can we live in righteousness?!  HOW can we DO the will of God in our lives? - BY FAITH!! Is 26:2, 2Co 5:7, Ro 4:3, Jas 2:18-24

Thank You Lord :)
The Spirit is bringing a variety of truths together for our souls to understand and "delight" in, ala Is 11:3. Do your work in us, Lord!

Oh! To Love and Fear the Lord!
To know the Creator of the heavens and the earth, the Almighty One who could wipe us out in a split second, and yet He loves us and is for us (as was proven at the Cross) !

Gratitude in Psalm 8
David's basically saying: "You are ALL-POWERFUL, yet you are GOOD! All I can do is praise your Name! Thank you for even thinking of us!"

Perspective Is Everything! 
In Isaiah 40, God reminds us of how immensely large He is, and we shouldn't be trying to find any substitutes for Him, because nothing can compare to Him!!

"Fine Speech" - Pr 17:7
As believers in Christ, we are to act with dignity, humility, and even nobility...... as a prince, not as a fool. And this begins with our speech because it directly affects others, and it reflects on our Lord!

1 Pe 2:9
But you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people for his own possession, that you may proclaim the excellencies of him who called you out of darkness into his marvelous light. (now there's "fine speech"!)

Have You Been Failing?
The Word gives us help; it gives us instructions on how to go forward with God, with His forgiveness, and without condemnation.  Pr 28:13-14, 30:32, Ro 8:1-2, Rev 3:19-20

Be Dignified and Walk in the Truth
By faith, remember who you are in Christ, and say "I'm not going to lie anymore, even if it hurts."

An Appropriate Fear of the Lord...
... is a wonderful, righteous deterrent from falling into evil.

What Are You Watching?
The media, including programs and advertisements, make us think evil things are good, over time. This result was predicted in Is 5:20. When Satan can convince people to say a sin is NOT sinful (or to even call it "good"!), he’s won a victory of deception in our lives!

A Righteous Prayer
When's the last time you prayed that the Lord keep you from evil?? (evil is anything against God and His Word, even if it seems harmless to us) Pr 16:6, Mt 6:13, Jn 17:15