CSM Ministry Needs
Gospel Vans for India Pastors - $7500 each for 3 Pastors. ($7500 already donated for one van for Pastor Adams. THANK YOU!)
- 315 total Telugu Bibles requested by our 4 Pastors; for Hindu converts throughout their areas. Cost only $3 each at The Bible Society in Hyderabad.

CSM Ministry Needs
- Sponsor An Evangelist! - $25/month helps one of our Bible school graduates feed his family to do Gospel work full-time! - Name, photo, and testimony will be provided for daily prayer. (4 already sponsored; THANK YOU!)
- Sponsor An Orphan! - $10/month/orphan. Pastor Adams would like to take in another 15 children already awaiting their loving home.
- Sponsor A Widow! - $20/month/widow. (we still have 7 widows to sponsor out of 10)

For more information, please visit our website.
To receive our monthly newsletter, please email us at info@ChristSavesMinistries.org

Signs of the Times
"But when these things begin to take place, straighten up and lift up your heads, because your redemption is drawing near." Lk 21:28

"The Visible Results of Saving Faith"
The wonderful results of saving faith include the visible "miracles" that occur in the lives of believers; changed lives that are totally the work of God's grace.

"The Visible Results of Saving Faith"
We cannot see the roots of a tree of faith, just as we can't see someone's heart, but we can see the fruit of a tree of faith, which are the visible results/proofs in a believer’s life.

"The Visible Results of Saving Faith"
The believer has fear of the Lord.  
Ps 103:8-18, 119:120,161, Mal 3:16-18, Ecc 12:13-14, Is 50:10, 2Co 7:1, Eph 5:21, Php 2:12-13

Man is only saved by His grace, Eph 2:8-9, and God only gives grace to the humble (i.e. those who fear Him). Jas 4:6, Lk 18:14

Do you see how fear of the Lord, along with serving God, are described as characteristics of the saved, and the alternative is to be one of the wicked? Mal 3:16-18

Those who honestly turn to Christ will manifest a certain type of life, because God changes their heart.

Is 50:10 NIV
"Who among you fears the Lord and obeys the word of his servant? Let him who walks in the dark, who has no light, trust in the name of the Lord and rely on his God."

The Greek word for fear is "phobos", meaning fear, terror, and reverence. 2Co 7:1, Eph 5:21

Reverence bows down in awe.  It does not take God lightly or get too casually familiar with Him.  Reverence includes a healthy fear, which accompanied all those who ever saw God!
This attitude will be present in the hearts of true believers.

What the Spirit has been revealing to us is the seamlessness between genuine faith and an obedient lifestyle. 

"The Visible Results of Saving Faith"
Another VISIBLE result in the lives of true believers is obedience. Ro 1:5, 16:25-27, Jn 3:36, 2Co 9:13, 1Pe 1:1-2

Ro 1:5 NIV
“Through Him we received grace and apostleship to call all the Gentiles (rep. unbelievers) to the obedience that comes from faith for His name’s sake."

Ro 16:26b NIV
so that all the Gentiles (rep. unbelievers) might come to the obedience that comes from faith

Obedience accompanies true saving faith because surrender to Jesus as Lord, not just Savior, is involved.

2Co 9:13 NIV
“Because of the service by which you have proved yourselves, others will praise God for the obedience that accompanies your confession of the gospel of Christ, and for your generosity in sharing with them and with everyone else.”

The true believer cannot help but obey God and His righteousness, at least to some degree in his life, because he is a new creature.  
It's inescapable because his heart has been changed by the Spirit of the Lord.

Faith is a gift from God (Eph 2:8-9), AND all perfect gifts are from the Father of lights above (Jas 1:17). Therefore, faith must produce goodness in the lives of those it is granted to.

"The Visible Results of Saving Faith"
The genuine believer also has the love of God, at least to some degree in his life.  Love is a sign that the Light of the Lord exists in a person.  1Jn 3,4, 1Co 13:1-8

"The Visible Results of Saving Faith"
The genuine believer will live in righteousness, at least to some degree, also stated clearly in 1Jn 3 & 4.  

The fruit of righteousness is a beautiful, eye-catching thing to behold in this corrupt world, and it is evident in the lives of believers.

Characteristics such as fear of God, obedience, righteousness and love are products of genuine saving faith.  It's seamless, as from the same piece of cloth.

Jesus Christ is the only perfectly seamless Person who ever lived. His words and actions were seamless always, without any contradiction whatsoever. Jn 19:23

To those who claimed to be of God, the Lord told them "then do the deeds of Abraham"! Jn 8:39

Even if a true believer doesn’t yet realize the importance and power of the Word of God, God’s law is now on the heart of the person who turned to Christ in humility, Eze 36:26, just as it was written on the hearts of the Gentiles who didn’t know the Law, Ro 2:15.

"The Visible Results of Saving Faith"
These are signs that even a child can recognize, and it’s not supposed to be difficult to see; it’s as simple as seeing good or bad fruit on a tree. Mt 7, 1Jn 3