The Objective Truth About Science
Science has never created anything on its own, out of nothing, but rather it has "discovered" many things over the years by taking what God has made available in the physical and natural world.
A Joke About Creation
There’s a scientist and God. And the scientist challenges God to a contest of who can make the better human being. God tells him that he’s on, at which time the scientist, in great delight, bends over to pick up some dust to make his human being. Then God says, ‘No, no … you go and find your own dust.’
The Objective Truth About Science
The thing people often overlook is that science simply complements the things written in the Bible, and even validates it as coming from an all-knowing, all-powerful Creator God.
Only one in a million million (planets) has the right combination of chemicals, temperature, water, days and nights to support planetary life as we know it.
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
... BEFORE man/science ever discovered them.
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
The Bible claims that at one time the earth was completely covered with water. Gen 1:9
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
Thousands of years before telescopes, the Bible stated the purpose of the sun, moon, and stars. Gen 1:14-16
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
The Bible tells us that man’s body was made out of the dust of the ground. Gen 2:7
Elements Found in the Human Body:
Carbon, Hydrogen, Nitrogen, Oxygen, Fluorine, Sodium, Magnesium, Silicon, Sulfur, Phosphorus, Chlorine, Potassium, Calcium, Manganese, Iron and Iodine.
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
God promised Abraham that his seed would be without number to the human mind, just as the stars are without number. Gen 15:5
Estimated Stars in the Universe
100 billion stars X 2 trillion galaxies = 200,000,000,000,000,000,000,000.
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
The Bible tells us the stars have courses, or paths. Jdg 5:20
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
The Bible also informed man that the earth is round. Is 40:22, Pr 8:27
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
The Bible claims that the earth is suspended in space! Job 26:7
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
God's Word claims that the air has weight. Job 28:25
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
God causes vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth! Ps 135:7, Job 36:27
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
The Word of God claims that there are regions where the surface of the sea is frozen! Job 38:30
Scientific Principles in the Bible...
There is a prophecy of a time when man will not be able to buy or sell without a mark on his arm or his head. Rev 13:16-17
"Has To Be God" by Tauren Wells
When I think of how the moon Has the ocean on a string and you Hold me in your gravity, it's God, It has to be God.
"Has To Be God" by Tauren Wells
And when I hear the man singing our song on the street, there's Something that lifts me like a melody, it's God, yeah it has to be God.
"Has To Be God" by Tauren Wells
It's bigger than religion and it's more than just a dream, It's higher than logic when it comes to you and me,
It's God.
"Has To Be God" by Tauren Wells
Can't deny the truth when I look at you, this love that we've got, It has to be God.
I can feel the proof when I'm holding you, this love that we've got, It has to be God.
"Has To Be God" by Tauren Wells
Some people say it's fate but there's only one to thank
for the fortune , blessings that we can't contain ,
It's God, it has to be God.