Charles Spurgeon
“I had rather pass through seven years of the most wearisome pain, and the most languishing sickness, than I would ever again pass through the terrible discovery of the evil of sin.”
Gen 3:17 [Amplified]
Then to Adam the Lord God said, “Because you have listened [attentively] to the voice of your wife, and have eaten [fruit] from the tree about which I commanded you, saying, ‘You shall not eat of it’; The ground is [now] under a curse because of you; In sorrow and toil you shall eat [the fruit] of it All the days of your life.
What Is Holy Hatred?
Blog - 10/23/20
Learn To Hate Sin
Do not be overcome with hate; but rather, understand the insidiousness of sin and learn to hate it. God does.
from sane [Hebrew] - means enemy, foe, be hateful odious, utterly. In NASB, translated: detest (1), enemy (3), enmity (1), foes (1), hate (78), hated (28), hated her intensely (1), hates (19), hating (2), hatred (1), turned against (1), turns against (2), unloved (7).
Contemporary “Christianity’s” Myth
There’s a myth on the streets of Christendom that supposes that because “God is love” (ala 1Jn 4:8), somehow He cannot hate - that there’s “no room” for wrath in Him. This is a lie meant to destroy the Gospel.
Contemporary “Christianity’s” Myth
By making God “nicer” (aka more palatable to human sensibilities), you end up making Him weaker, which undermines the fear/respect due Him, and ultimately extinguishes the need for a Savior.
“all evildoers”
from kol (“all”) + paal (“workers/doers”) + aven (“trouble, sorrow, wickedness”). Literally translates: “all workers/doers of trouble/sorrow/wickedness” (context points to unbelievers, who do this work as a function of their fallen nature)
Ps 5:5 [Amplified]
The boastful and the arrogant will not stand in Your sight; You hate all who do evil.
Ps 5:5 [Darby’s]
Insolent fools shall not stand before thine eyes; thou hatest all workers of iniquity.
The Direction of God’s Hatred
If God only hates sin, then why does He cast some away from Himself (from love), namely unbelievers who die in their sins? Could it be to preserve the purity of love, itself? Could it be the just/righteous thing to do after all???
“hates the light”
This is the most natural thing of all for the wicked; in fact, it’s exactly what we would expect from unbelievers because they exist in the sphere of spiritual death (ref: spiritual death = separation from God, who is love).
The Gospel
God, in His infinite grace, reaches out across the chasm to those whom He hates and says, “I will save you, deliver you from the throes of spiritual death, if you accept my offer, My Son.”