A Good Name
A fool and a knave may have great riches, but a good name, which supposes a man to be wise and honest, redounds to the glory of God, and gives a man a greater opportunity of doing good. - Benson Commentary
A person's name carries much more than a mere organization of letters, or a means of being called out of a crowd. A name transcends mere communicative processes. A good name is earned (Pr 22:1).
No Person, No Hope
If there's no Person to say thank you to, then there's also no one to rely on going forward, no One to hope in. If this is true, then there's no knowledge of Someone that might actually care about you, love you, and be in ultimate control!
The Satanic Ploy
The KoD robs people of the knowledge that God is good and He loves His children. Satan's fear is losing power. Knowledge is power, so he desires to keep people ignorant, distracted, preoccupied.
There’s Just Something About His Name
There is power in God’s name. Those who deny Him, deny His name. (Jer 10:6; Pr 18:10; Is 9:6; Ac 2:38, 3:6, 12-16, 4:12, 30, 8:12, 22:16; Ro 10:13; 1Co 6:11; Php 2:9-11; Jn 14:13-14; Lk 10:17; Mk 16:17; Mt 28:18-20)
The Beauty Of the First Book
The benefit of the Genesis creation account is that context is minimized to Creator and creation in their simplest forms (as opposed to say, the Book of Acts, where there were a multitude of contextual considerations).
Jas 1:17
Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights…
The Sequence Of Naming
God's creation was made before He chose to name the elements within it, including man. For example, "the man" (Gen 2:8) isn't called "Adam" until after the naming process commences (Gen 2:20).
God’s Name In A Vow
The Bible does not want us to use God's name as part of a vow that we have no intention of keeping. A name invokes a sealing upon a vow, by the strength of the name itself. It's untenable to break that seal, misappropriate it, or disrespect it (especially for personal gain).
Preserving God’s Name
God's name is never to be used as a punch line to human emotions. And we definitely shouldn't use His good name to advance something ungodly, like human plans for sanctification (e.g., self-help programs).
The Value Of A Name
God has placed a special intimacy in each of us reserved for knowing another person's name, as if bonding cannot be consummated in the absence of it.
The Sequencing Of Naming
God's creation was made before He chose to name the elements within it, including man. For example, "the man" (Gen 2:8) isn't called "Adam" until after the naming process commences (Gen 2:20).
God Gave the Man Naming Ability
God enjoyed seeing His own creature, the one made in His own image (Gen 1:26), name those creatures subservient to himself.
Man (Ish) and Woman (Isha)
The first man (Ish) named the first woman (Isha), "Woman", because she had her root in him. Notice that the authority to name was given to the man, not the woman.
J. Vernon McGee On Gen 2:23
Do not tell me that a wife has to love her husband. God does not say that. God says that she is to respond to him. if he says to her, 'I love you,' then she is going to say right back to him, 'I love you.'
Ish’s Failure Over Isha
The first woman wasn't even named yet when the first man blamed her for his own failures! Are you surprised? Men still do it to this day!
Ish’s Failure Pattern Today
Husbands, if you don't give your wives something godly to respond to, you are leaving them open to the seductive influences of the KoD! Women are created to respond.
Ish’s Failure Pattern Today
Men are typically cowards. A good name is destitute of cowardice. Jesus' good name is devoid of it. A coward fails to lead, leaving his wife little/nothing to respond to, giving the serpent opportunity to seduce her.
A Husband’s Good Name
A virtuous wife is a sign of a good husband. A man's good name begins in the home, with a wife that is given something godly to respond to. (Pr 31:23)