The Inevitable Truth
The flesh is forever implacable. It breeds malcontent by never being satisfied with the grace of God.

Familiarity’s Plague
Life is a miracle that we are way too familiar with. We take things for granted, losing sight of the fact that life abounds all around us.

Only God has the power to save man.
Man does not save man…not himself, nor others, by “doing” this or that.

The truth never changes just because a person denies it.

Living In Fear, Not Freedom
It’s an awful thing to think that the God who supposedly saves you isn’t interested in giving you the assurance of such a thing; yet, that is precisely how most so-called “Christians” live.

The Miracle of Rebirth
Why does a religious “Christian” not understand the concept of being “born again” when it is something that Jesus said (ref:  Jn 3)? Answer:  human rationalism is not true faith.

Loosed From Sovereignty
A person who dismisses the Bible as the very Word of God is then able to supplant God with themselves. After all, if the Bible isn’t God’s word, then where can one find it (e.g. existentialism)?

The True God
God is both love and wrath. Neither facet is present in His essence without the other. Only the human flesh is offended by the wrath of God.

God’s Power
Real power is never lopsided. This is why the right way to think about Jesus Christ is as the Lion AND the Lamb, not just one or the other.

We Lack Power
Deep down all men know they are weak compared to God.

A personal trust in Jesus Christ alone as one's Lord and Savior is the only way one can have peace with regards to his eternal destiny. (Ac 16:31, Jn 10:27-30, 1Pe 1:3-5)

God Breaks Hearts
We are so sympathetic to “broken hearts”; just consider the number of songs written about the topic. God has no problem breaking man’s heart, for his heart is wretched by nature.

God Breaks Hearts
A broken heart isn’t always a bad thing. In fact, it’s the first thing God does for an unbeliever in his salvation.

How the Gospel Gets Perverted
A person who doesn’t understand salvation proper won’t seek the Savior proper; rather, they will seek a different savior to a different problem statement. The latter is how Satan deceives the world - he proposes a different problem.

How the Gospel Gets Perverted
While the Gospel is the very “power of God for salvation to everyone who believes” (Ro 1:16), it is “foolishness to those who are perishing” (1Co 1:18). Unsaved professing Christians are the ones who reject what Jesus said about Himself and His Gospel (1Jn 2:23).

Php 2:16
holding fast the word of life, so that in the day of Christ I will have reason to glory because I did not run in vain nor toil in vain.

Any time there’s godly “movement” in our lives, under the power of the Word and the Spirit, we may rightly say that it is a part of our sanctification.