“But the goal of our instruction is love from a pure heart and a good conscience and a sincere faith.”

    1 Timothy 1:5

  • Starting Your Day Off Right

    If the Lord Jesus Christ isn’t the priority in your life, then who or what is? If He’s not the One you begin each day with, then how are you starting your days?

  • Part 48: The Deceitfulness of Sin

    ​When we subject or submit this body to God's purposes and not our own, we can be a light on a hill to a lost and dying world, a physical example of Christ's love, even in persecution. Php 1:20, 2Co 4:10

  • KIDS' CORNER: Depravity

    Most people do not want to believe this about themselves or their loved ones- the Truth isn’t “pleasant” to hear when you do not understand the Gospel of Jesus Christ, so they choose religion, which claims that “deep down” all people are good.

Running Away From God

To witness God’s power firsthand is to be stricken with fear.


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Thu. @ 7:00 PM

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Sun: 10am - 11:30am




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